(SAF Logo)
(Student Action With Farmworkers) SAF—AFOP and SAF work together each summer to provide pesticide safety and other farmworker health related training to the SAF summer interns. Through generous support of the EPA in 2009, 25 SAF interns reached out to 4,500 farmworkers in just 10 weeks of service. Visit SAF here for updates on the exciting work performed by their team of young leaders in the farmworker community.
(HCN Logo)
AFOP has teamed up with the Hispanic Communications Network to produce and broadcast public service announcements to farmworker communities around the country that bring important messages about take home exposure, heat stress and pesticide safety to farmworkers. The Spanish language public service announcements reach thousands of farmworkers.
Farmworker Justice logo
Farmworker Justice and AFOP are working on an EPA-funded project to bring farmworker community stakeholders into a series of dialogues to explore how the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) can be improved in Florida. This pilot project will serve as a model for opening discussions among stakeholders in other key agricultural states, and ultimately offer important recommendations on how farmworkers can be better served by the WPS.
National Chavez Center (NCC)
The National Chavez Center plays an important role in the SAFE AmeriCorps member orientation. In February, 2010, the NCC provided the perfect venue to train and inspire our SAFE AmeriCorps members as they embarked upon their service to farmworkers.